Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Running might kill you!!!!!

So a friend posted a few links to articles on a running message board that a friend of hers provided her as "evidence" that running was the worst thing in the world and that she will surely die of a heart attack any moment.  This friend has had a journey much like my own, learning to love fitness and becoming healthier.  I povided the first section below as a response and overnight decided a little extra sass and sarcasm was necessary as well.  I'll provide the links to the 2 articles as well as my notes and humor.  Enjoy!

1st article: complete crap
Just as the editorial near the bottom states...it was not a true scientific study. They didn't have a starting point analysis of the heart/cardio system of each "participant" to compare to the end. Also, they're talking about elite runners that push limits that *most* of us never would because of skill/life/time. Essentially running and being elite runners is their job and mine is a network engineer. I work a full time day job and I run for health, which by the way, much to their study's great wisdom...has IMPROVED IMMENSELY since forgoing my former fatty lifestyle.

2nd "article" which is an editorial/rant/blog and not even an article: also complete crap
This is clearly written by some meathead that thinks lifting weights and doing "sprints" is the end all of fitness. Cut the crap? He's right, because I wish he would too! He's saying that the girl on the treadmill continued to get fatter despite running and then that her thyroid was messed up. Well jeez...I have known many people that had thyroid go bad that weren't athletes at all! It's pretty much heredetary on that one and despite the poor girl's effort when she was no doubt wiped out for energy because of her thyroid, she kept pushing to lose the weight and was gaining despite her cardio efforts. I'm pretty sure synthroid (or other synthetic thyroid hormone) is the recommended treatment for low thyroid...not SITTING ON YOUR TUCKUS to get alllllll better! To the point that he sees girls wolf down entire Chinese buffets in 10 seconds and get fatter despite their cardio... uh HELLO you can't lose weight working out if you're taking all that/wrong stuff in! Working out burns very little compared to your intake and the key to losing weight is creating a "calorie" (I say that as a term of measurement because that's what you're burning despite the makeup of the various carbs/fat/protein within it... like kcal/hr)... Anyway, so you take in this much - what you burn off = net gain or loss and you need that defecit to lose. So if you burn off a good 400-500 on a decent run, and your ideal range for intake is 1500-2000 cal a day and you eat like 4000...well then you've overconsumed by a couple thousand and that's going to make you gain weight! Last I checked lifting weights wasn't burning 3000 calories either. Jeebus!

There's a balance to everything. Everything in moderation. Run and do strength training, rest and recoup, eat mostly healthy, but enjoy some tasty stuff now and then (in moderation). If you achieve a balance in all of it, you'll be just fine. This all or nothing stuff makes me want to punch someone like this guy "right in the ovaries...right in the babymaker!!" Yes, I am ready for Anchorman 2.

*steps off soapbox*

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Despite my graveyard of Fitbits, I am still in love and here's why!

Ah, I remember my first Fibit (Ultra) fondly.  I can't remember how exactly I found out about them?  I think I was trying to find a pedometer that didn't suck on Amazon and there it was in all its glory.  I was a bit sticker shocked, but I knew I hated every pedometer I tried (for like a day and would abandon).  The reviews were convincing, the technology sophisticated, and the design sleek, sexy, and completely practical.  Being the geek I am, I was tempted.  I was on the conquest to better my health and save on my health insurance at work.  I had started some walking/running over the previous few weeks and wanted to quantify my efforts.  I bit the bullet.  I was so excited when I opened the package.  I got it charging and my account set up.  In the early days, the site was a little buggy, but they quickly remedied it.  With each update, they kept the clean interface and added more features.  I couldn't be more thrilled!

Then, the inevitable happend.  You see...when you clip something so small and weightless to your clothes, there's a good chance of 2 things happening; it could fall off and you'll never know or it will end up in your washing machine.  Well, since I was new to fitness and this was about spring by this point, I was wearing shorts, which the previous summer had fit, but now were a bit baggy with the weight loss. I was rolling down the top waistband to keep them from riding up and it was working, but I was definitely getting some chafing.  TMI?  Never.  I don't believe in it!  Well, I got home eager to see what my fitbit said and then it hit me...it was gone!!!  I had done one of my longest outdoor runs!  I think it was like a 6 or 8 miler at that point.  I had a lake to canvas to find it and I didn't have much time to do so.  I took a partial day off of work and looked...nothing.  I never found it.  I went about a week without it and my motivation instantly fizzed. I didn't have my fitbit to show me where I was in relation to other days.  I didn't have the "chatter" on the screen to "high five" me or tell me to "get moving."  I had none of it and I was devastated.  I wasn't looking to toss another $100 out, but I needed my fitbit, so I bought another.  This time I built a handy little tether system using a baby pacifier clip (don't have kids, so I had to buy one) and a D ring for a keychain type thing.  It worked and saved me from fate many times.  Then, one fall day I was running a race...and there was a fitbit on the ground!  I knew I had mine in my zippered pocket on my tights, so it couldn't be mine!  I double checked and it was secure.  Fitbit down!  Someone else was about to realize they had suffered the same horrible fate as me with my 1st Fitbit!  Luckily, the "chatter" feature says whatever name you put in it.  There it was...a first name!!!  But it was a common one...there could be several people with that in this race (it was a half and full marathon).  I noticed the time was an hour behind mine.  Now, we're talking!!!  Once the race results were posted, I looked for the first name and found someone in a neighboring state listed that would be an hour behind me.  Now I had a full name, but no way to contact. I posted on the marathon's facebook page, but didn't get anything back.  Ahh!!!!  So, I contacted fitbit and they said that I could print out a prepaid postage label and send it to them and they could get it reunited with the owner!  Woohoo!  I made a tether for her fitbit and included it in the package like any Fitbit lover with a lifehack would do and I sent a pic to the customer support person that helped me and let them know it was on its way to them with a cute tether.  They loved that they had a cool person in the Fitbit community that had gone the extra mile (that's about 2000 steps for those of you at home haha) and they hooked me up with a 1 year premium membership as a token of their esteem.  Great success!  Everyone wins and I was just happy knowing there wasn't a sad little lost Fitbit out there like mine had been.

Fast forward a few months and then the inevitable happened again and this time the fate was that of the washing machine.  Fitbit took a bath and it never recovered.  I tried putting it in rice and letting it dry out, but it could not be revived.  Sad panda!  It had been almost a year since I had been using Fitbits and from the first leave of absense, I knew I couldn't stand to be without one.  Luckily, I was just within my 1 year warranty period and they had just launched the Fitbit One's so, they replaced my Ultra with a One as they did not have any Ultras in stock.  Many improvements like making it just a little piece that sits in a silicone holder, so you can replace those (which circumvented the old hinge issue on the Ultra models) and it also stuck much better on clothing etc, so it wouldn't fall off easily like my original one did!  The display was also more clear which I like a lot too.

I used it a couple of months and it died in my sleep.  Did I lay on it too hard?  I have no idea, but it died.  Fitbit's support walked me through a reset procedure, but nothing brought it back to life.  I was now out of warranty period, so I had picked up a new One at a local Best Buy knowing I didn't want to be without one when I heard back from support that they would like to offer me a replacement at a discounted price.  I figured, I may as well have a hot spare in case I had one die after warranty later, so I took them up on it and let that one sit in the package.  This fall, I got my sister a Flex for her birthday and I gave my mom my hot spare to use "until I need it someday when mine dies" but in reality, I know I'll just let her have it.  She's been so motivated and moving more and she has MS so 10,000 steps a day is not realistic, but she's been pushing and getting more steps in and moving more.  Woohoo!  Then, the other week, my Fitbit One again died in my sleep like my 1st one did.  WTF?  Well, at least I had the scanned receipt from the original warranty replacement (I'm good through December basically) and I just used that with my support request on this one.  I went about a week without a Fitbit again (torture!!!) and got my new replacement.

So I have:

  • 1 lost Fitbit never to be found
  • 1 dead Ultra from a bath in the wash
  • 2 dead One's (both died in my sleep)

That's $400 in about 2 years, which is significant and you might think I'd have trash talking to do about Fitbit at this point, but I don't.
My health has improved SO MUCH as a result of the motivation they have provided
$400 is way less than a gym membership
Their support is awesome and they are committed to improving lives and health of people

I really hope they come out with my dream sportwatch someday soon (I'll make another entire post dedicated to my wishlist on that), but until then, they are hands down the best step/stair/sleep tracking device in a tiny design.  I tend to wear mine almost always on my bra because it's grippy and stays put there and it is less likely to take a swim in the wash.  Titbit anyone!?!?

<3 Fitbit and if you've been on the fence about ever getting one, then don't be.  They are amazing and despite my graveyard of Fitbits past, I am still in love with them.

My graveyard of fitbits with my happy (and alive) current One in the front

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What's in a name?

So when I decided to make this blog, I contemplated what name to use.  How much should it say about me personally?  What captures everything I want to cover in a single name, yet isn't too long that it would be hard to remember?  Decisions....decisions!

Running Slow but Sleeping!

I'm a runner...well let's be honest, I'm more of a yogger (Anchorman...if you haven't seen it, you're missing out).  So yeah, yogging.  There's your Running Slow!

So what about the "but Sleeping" part of the name?  Well, I thought I'd put a play on words from Dave Matthew's Band's song #41, which if you're not in the know says, "I'm coming slow, but speeding."  So why sleeping?  I love sleep.  It's not just me, it's a serious deal.  I'll get into it more later, but suffice it to say that sleep is a big part of who I am.

So here we are and I'm running slow, but sleeping...yeahhhhhhhhhhh!

Alright, who's with me?  We're going yogging! We're going up through the gymnasium to the quad!  Snoop, Snoop-a-loop!  Bring your green hat!

Who are you?!??

Wait...are you asking me who I am or am I trying to figure out who I am?  This got deep pretty quickly...or maybe you've realized there may be some sarcasm headed your way as you tumble into this blog of mine.

Who am I?  Well... as of this post, I'm a recently turned 34 year old girl (or am I a chica, woman, lady or some other title)?  I tend to err on the side of young, so I'll go with girl.  Call me what you will, but that's how I see it.  I did the college thing, started the career thing, had a boyfriend for many years, which ended nearly a year ago, and I haven't found myself a prince charming yet.  In the middle of all that, I bought a house along the way and adopted 3 furkids.  I'll get into their stories probably at some point, but in a nutshell I've got 1 dog (a Westie) and 2 tuxedo kitties.  Then there's the job.  I surprisingly did what few people do...I picked a major in college and stuck with it and shocker...actually went into a career that used the degree.  I know...it's bonkers.  So I do that by day and by night, I spend most of the time aspiring to be healthy and make wise choices with fitness and what I consume.

I'm not old and I'm not young, but I feel like I've learned some cool things about life and me along the way.  I tend to be sarcastic and could go on for days with stories of my adventures and sarcasm.  I was recently told I should write a blog and I mentioned that I have a secret one (no I'm not going to say what it is here...because I might actually divulge more about me personally here and show this to family and friends), so I figured I'd go for it.

This blog is going to be a mix of things:

  • daily life
  • self-improvement
  • rants when neccessary
  • pets
  • fitness
  • recipes
  • pop culture
  • and whatever else I think the Interwebs MUST KNOW

I promise nothing of consistency in my content or the frequency of posts, but I'm told my writing style has a flair for entertainment and that it won't matter, because people will just love the personality that comes out from that.  We shall see.  Take it or leave it, but it's what and who I am.  So, come along for the ride and bring your pillows because this might get boring...or I might want to steal them from you (there's more to that that I'll probably get into later).
